Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Two new things

This Saturday, I'll be on a live Skype chat with children on the Missouri District, talking about being a missionary. The children will get to ask me questions about what it's like where I live and what I do. I've been warned that they may mostly ask me about the animals where I live. :-)

Later in October, I've agreed to substitute teach an English class that the church offers free to people in the community, and a small group of women attend regularly to improve their English. I'm told that a number of the women are people I run into around our village regularly, such as the woman who runs the post office, one who owns a small grocery store, and a couple other ladies who live near my office and whom I greet on the sidewalk.

I'm excited to talk to them at greater length in this setting, since passing on the street or meeting in a busy store aren't always conducive to getting to know each other. I'm thinking about continuing in the class as an assistant after October is over and the regular ESL teacher returns. But we'll see how it goes after next month.

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